30 Nov – 02 Dec 2020
Leaving Bathurst we travelled along R67 for a quick stop-in at Grahamstown en route to Colchester, where we’d be staying for the next couple of nights. It was just a short hop down the road and held the promise of lunch at the end of the journey.
Pulling into town, we paused at the 1820 Settlers Monuments, which we were expecting to be a single statue. It turned out to be a conference centre with a few statues, a small locked-up fort, a sundial and a very solid lay-of-the-land viewpoint for the town below.
Leaving the monument, we drove down and parked outside one of the many red brick buildings we assumed to be part of the Rhodes University campus, intending to explore the town on foot. It appeared that most of the campus was locked up with occasional signage stating the obvious, 2020 measures in place.
We walked down High Street, noting the contrast of the elegant brocaded buildings with the modern street level experience, the usual collection of brands every town has (no matter the size) and how relatively easily reversible the neglect could be, to restore some of the town’s lost charm.
When we’d asked a Grahamstown local we happened to meet in the Pig and Whistle in Bathurst the night before what he recommended for our sightseeing, he’d responded enthusiastically that his hometown highlight is the new curry den. On our loop back up New Street we spotted the very same. The Curry House. Large as life and definitely, by the smells of things, worth a try.
We ordered a pair of bunny chows with a giant samoosa to start and since Covid rules prevented the eatery from seating customers, we walked back to get the car, thinking we would drive to the Botanical Gardens and have a picnic of sorts.
Obviously, it turned out that the Botanical Gardens was right by where we’d parked the car so we drove to get our food and then back again (probably no more than a kilometre or two roundtrip).
Botanical Garden is a bit of an oversell of a name – lest it create mental images of rolling manicured lawns or structured flowerbeds. Let’s say that ‘lunch in the park’ was a success.
We ticked off the last sight on the list, conveniently (and coincidentally) next door to where we were. The old Grahamstown Prison which now serves as a cafe and bakery. With only a handful of cells, the little prison has been delightfully converted with a themed private dining room in each of the cells, several tables in the open courtyard that served as an open exercise area for the inmates and the kitchen and (self-)service area in what was the guard house. Very quaint. And worth a visit for a meal from what we saw on display.
Having whipped around Grahamstown quicker than expected, Christian suggested that we overshoot our day’s destination to pay a visit to Port Elizabeth for a stroll along the promenade and an early sundowner.
Less than half an hour added onto our journey, it was a splendid idea and we were soon wandering along the beachfront in PE, with the bright sunshine balancing the chilly bluster for which the Windy City is famous.
Chris had spent some time in PE for work so was able to give a vague lay of the land and point out some landmarks. A lovely little big city indeed. Hard to believe we hadn’t visited before.
We rounded the tour with a quick toot at Barney’s Tavern beach bar, which was already buzzing with patrons even though it was mid-Monday afternoon.
Back in the car we retraced our footsteps to our next home, in Colchester. We’d been attracted to this sleepy little town since 2020 and its pandemic had robbed us of our plans to visit Colchester in the UK for a wedding in July.
We were wowed by our accommodation; a brand spanking new, immaculate and tastefully decorated studio that had the best of everything you’d expect – and all sorts of things you wouldn’t (like a sandwich press, a humidifier, an electric beater, Netflix etc etc). We also had a private walled garden (good for keeping the wind out) and a pretty little plunge pool.
We took a wander around our neighbourhood, knowing from the map on the booking site that we were on the Sundays River but not much more than that. Houses were built far from the riverbank with open pedestrian access so we were able to walk alongside the wide, sparkling waters that stretched and slowly ambled from the nature reserve on the right to the sea on the left.
Being in a secured estate our explore was hampered by the electric fence perimeter, which was our cue to get the car and take a drive to view the other wildlife, at the local pub, Grunter’s.
It was very quiet (it was a Monday evening after all) but we were pleased with our surf n turf dinner and happy to call an early night since we had an early morning ahead of us.
Our early morning was to get into the Addo National Park while it was still cool enough to favour good animal sightings. With our nest literally across the road from the Southern entrance of the Park, we’d saved ourselves any additional early rising or unneeded car time.
We were able to fashion a modest breakfast with our patchwork of supplies and the amply equipped kitchen and rolled into the park, determined that we wouldn’t leave until we saw at least an elephant.
The park issues a map with a checklist of animals each with a points allocation. Christian was thrilled when the first sighting for the day was his; a Dungbeetle scoring him 8 points. Things got tense when he then spotted zebra for an additional point. But, turning a bend that saw the brush give way to an open veld, I evened the scoreboard with not one but two elephants!
From there it was a landslide; kudo, elephants, eland, zebra, elephants, warthogs, elephants, buffalo, camels, ELEPHANTS. It’s a very rewarding game drive experience, getting saturation point of sightings within a couple of hours!
Smug from a very successful morning in the park, we retired to our studio where we enjoyed the rest of the day lounging around, able to relax because there was nothing else unseen or undone in this sleepy little enclave. What a great day.